Our Story

We are two sisters of Mexican descent with a desire and love to create. Our loving, strong-willed parents from Oaxaca, Mexico, taught us to remember how far we’ve come and to embrace our culture. Handcrafting candles not only allows us to honor our parents’ teachings but also allows us to honor our beloved grandfather.

When Colibrí (Spanish for hummingbird) Candles was only an idea, we were unsure about many things, but the one thing we couldn’t resist was our love for a hummingbird as our logo. Hummingbirds represent intelligence, beauty, and devotion. These traits align with our family values and Mexican culture. We later learned from our father that our beloved grandfather is nicknamed Colibrí in Oaxaca, Mexico, the same home state of our artisan ancestors known for creating candles and other artistry.

Some may call that coincidence.

We call it fate breathing life into our family’s legacy.

In our own way, we’re stepping into our ancestors’ shoes and keeping our family tradition alive.